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Invention Search
We offer a single journal for open publication that includes inventions across any inventions, including: Mechanical, Energy, Chemistry, Organisms, Methods, Processes, and much more. We work to promote innovation and protect inventors from patent trolls. As we gather more data, we will publish acceptance rates.
Submissions are processed as quickly as possible. Please submit all data in requested format to accelerate posting speed. Our goal is to assist you in protecting your invention and provide you with a solid publish date for defense.
If you are submitting your invention to a patent agency, such as the USPTO, we recommend publishing your invention with us the day after submitting to the patent agency in the case of rejection.
Additionally, as you make improvements to your product, if you will want to submit journal articles. If you are submitting continuing patent applications, you will want to submit journal articles the day after.
Be sure to consult your patent attorney to coordinate journal submissions with patent submissions.